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2282 Уровень STABILA тип 70, 40 см

(0 голосов)
2 400 руб.

Артикул: 02282 кр

Производитель: STABILA STABILA

02282, Уровень тип 70, 40 см, (2 глазка, точн. 0,5мм/м) ф-мы "STABILA"


  • Smooth rectangular aluminium profile.
  • Electrostatic powder coating.
  • Coated measuring surface.
• Slender, light-weight model.



  • Type 70
  • Type 70-2 Two vertical vials.
  • Type 70 M Rare earth magnet.
  • Type 70 W Rotatable angle vial.
Type 70 P-2-2 With two small plates on the underside to bridge any irregularities.


Type 70 70-2 70 M 70 W 70 P-2-2
Accuracy in the normal position 0.5 mm/m 0.5 mm/m 0.5 mm/m 0.5 mm/m 0.5 mm/m
Accuracy in overhead measurement - - - - -
Measuring surfaces 1 x coated 1 x coated 1 x coated 1 x coated 1 x coated
Type of vial 1 x horizontal
1 x vertical
1 x horizontal
2 x vertical
1 x horizontal
1 x vertical

1 x horizontal
1 x vertical
1 x rotatable angle vial

2 x horizontal
2 x vertical
Profile Smooth rectangular profile Smooth rectangular profile Smooth rectangular profile Smooth rectangular profile Smooth rectangular profile
End caps Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Magnet system - - Rare earth magnet - -
Plates - - - - 2
Length/Art. No.          
30 cm 02281/5 - 02871/8 - -
40 cm 02282/2 14187/5 02872/5 02472/7 -
50 cm 02283/9 15874/3 02143/6 - -
60 cm 02284/6 02324/9 02874/9 02474/1 -
80 cm 02286/0 14188/2 02875/6 02475/8 -
90 cm - 02327/0 - - -
100 cm 02288/4 14189/9 02876/3 02478/9 -
120 cm 02289/1 02329/4 02149/8 02479/6 -
150 cm 02290/7 - 02877/0 - 02420/8
180 cm 02291/4 14190/5 02878/7 - 02421/5
200 cm 02292/1 - 02879/4 - 02422/2
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